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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SGN0142
Title PhotonFix 4A - preparation for field trials
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2019
End Date 01 April 2020
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £630,509
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SGN0142
Objectives The development roadmap is now focused on moving towards the Business as Usual. To get there, and to maximise the application opportunities (in terms of pipe size, pipe material, joint type and other features), the sealant needs to be qualified for a 50-year lifetime use, and application system (module plus sealant) needs to be demonstrated to be fit for purpose so it may become field ready for the next stage.Stage 4A – preparation for field trial will follow 8 work-packages as detailed in the Scope. The programme of work for Stage 4A- preparation for field trials, is to carry out the necessary work to enable field trials to go ahead in Stage 4B. This comprises: the accreditation of the sealant so it is approved by OFGEM for use in the network and demonstration of the tooling module to deploy the sealant during accreditation. These processes will inform the tender exercise at the start of Stage 4B by providing specifications of the robotic transport / delivery platform to carry the module through the network and provide the specifications for service suppliers who will eventually deliver the network remediation service.Stage 4A will:1) Confirm the route to sealant and system accreditation through discussions with the Technical Services Provider (TSP) and review all relevant standards and identify any gap actions; (WP1)2) Build the appropriate tools, a 6” deployment module for use in accreditation testing, and a larger module for 12” pipes to demonstrate operational effectiveness in a representative Tier 2 setting (WP2).3) Carry out Accreditation Testing to the agreed standards (WP3)4) Carry out material testing to demonstrate 50-year lifespan (WP4)5) Carry out module fitness for purpose testing to demonstrate the deployment methodology and inform the tender exercise for supply of equipment and services (WP5) (Note: the tender exercise is to be carried out at the start of Stage 4B).6) Provide SGN with the technical files for accreditation and material testing to back up the use of the system as pipe remediation (WP6)7) Continuation of the protection of SGNs Intellectual Property (WP7)8) Provide SGN with full reporting, three interim reports, and a final report are planned complete with presentations to the Steering Committee (WP8) The objective of the scope of work are; An accredited sealing system comprising a sealant and associated deployment tooling module to an agreed GIS standard for use in the UK Gas Network. Accredited material testing carried out on the sealant to demonstrate 50-year life span thus allowing pipe remediation. Confirmation of the systems ability to function in hydrogen and hydrogen blend products as well as natural gas. A stand-alone module suitable for use in 6” accreditation tests. A tooling module, developed to demonstrate platform mounted operation and system effectiveness in Tier 2 (12”) pipes and in preparation for a tender exercise in Stage 4B to determine the deployment platform and service providers for field operations Continued protection of SGNs Intellectual Property
Abstract Anaerobic sealants for the gas industry have remained largely unchanged since the 1970s. Initially, each joint was excavated and then drilled to accept the sealant which was injected blindly into the body of the joint with the expectation of creating a seal. In recent years, robotic systems have been used to provide a similar deployment mechanism, drilling into the joint from inside the pipe, eliminating a high amount of excavation.The existing products and systems have a number of fundamental issues which limits their applicability across the gas network. These include: having to rely on yarn being still present and functioning in the joint for the sealant to function, requiring every joint to be drilled and using uncontrolled capillary action for the sealant to penetrate into the joint. Care has to be taken when applying conventional sealants to prevent these sealants simply running out of the joint and pooling at the base of the pipe leading to potentially significant issues with pipe insertion, or other interventions at a later date. With these methods additional actions are required to demonstrate that a full seal has been achieved in each joint else one is heavily reliant on assumptions to claim pipe remediation. It is also understood that many sealants are often limited in their effectiveness in high traffic areas due to their insufficient flexibility. These existing products also are not applicable for use in all joint types leaving a gap in some areas of network remediation.There is therefore a clear need for a system that can: Address all types of joints Address joints with failed seals, e.g. missing yarn Address ancillary issues such as cotter plates and disused service connections Demonstrate and validate that integrity has been restored to the system Minimise pooling of excess sealant in the pipe network Be suitable for high traffic areas (flexible sealant) Be suitable for use in all pipeline materials
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 09/11/22